GHOST Bounty Program

GHOST Bounty Program enables our community members to earn $GMV token in exchange for driving adoption to the GHOST ecosystem. Here you will find a comprehensive list of way to earn $GMV token.


ghostNFT – How to register an NFT Collection – [VIDEO]

Create a walkthrough screencapture video of how to register an NFT Collection on ghostNFT. The walkthrough should start with logging into MetaMask and ending with the NFT Collection registered on ghostNFT. The video has to be posted on YouTube. Your reward will range depending on quality, brevity, editing.

Please direct your submissions to GHOST Community.

200 – 400 $GMV
ghostNFT – How to add collateral to an NFT walkthrough – [VIDEO]

Create a walkthrough screencapture video of how to add collateral to any NFT on ghostNFT. The walkthrough should start with logging into MetaMask and ending with collateral being added to an NFT. The video has to be posted on YouTube. Your reward will range depending on quality, brevity, editing.

Please direct your submissions to GHOST Community.

100 – 200 $GMV
ghostNFT – How to redeem collateral from an NFT walkthrough – [VIDEO]

Create a walkthrough screencapture video of how to add collateral to any NFT on ghostNFT. The walkthrough should start with logging into MetaMask and ending with collateral being redeemed from an NFT. The video has to be posted on YouTube. Your reward will range depending on quality, brevity, editing.

Please direct your submissions to GHOST Community.

100 – 200 $GMV

Create a meme inspired by GHOST Ecosystem.

Please direct your submissions to GHOST Community.

10 $GMV
John McAfee – [MEME]

Create a meme inspired by John McAfee.

Please direct your submissions to GHOST Community.

10 $GMV
John McAfee Legacy (JML) NFT Collection Promo – [BANNER]

Create a meme inspired by John McAfee.

Please direct your submissions to GHOST Community.

50 – 100 $GMV
ghostAirdrop Testimonial – [VIDEO]

Create a 30 second positive testimonial about ghostAirdrop. You don’t have to show your face. The video has to be posted on YouTube.

Please direct your submissions to GHOST Community.

50 – 75 $GMV

Alternative ways to earn $GMV Token


$GMV tokens can be earned by referring your network to claim JML gNFT using your referral link. Your personal referral link can be found on your ghostAirdrop dashboard.

Every time somebody claims a JML gNFT using your referral link, you will automatically receive on-chain $GMV token rewards under your gNFT collateral.

$GMV tokens can also be earned via giveaways and bounties. Please stay tuned and check GHOST Official Telegram Community and GHOST Official Twitter Channel regularly for updates.


We organize various types of contests on a regular basis:

  • Collateralization Contests
  • APY Contests
  • OpenSea Contests
  • DappRadar Contests
  • etc.

GMV point to $GMV token swap

Please read the following guide to learn more about the swap from GMV points to GMV tokens.